
How do I add an account to the Avast Login screen?

The Avast is one of the top antivirus providers of the world. Users are required to buy the subscription of advanced versions of Avast products. You will then have to create an account for your Avast subscription. There are many users who have multiple Avast accounts. Add new account to the login tab You have the option to save multiple password and user accounts on your Avast account. It will enable you to add new accounts to the Login tabs.  You can try the below steps or ask the specialists to help you. You should dial the  A vast Antivirus Technical Support Number    1 866-662-5999 Toll Free   in case you cannot multiple accounts to the Avast. Take these steps to add more accounts to the login screens. Yo u will have to open the Avast application and move to the Password screen Open the Login tab from there.  After that, you will have to choose the option named Add account or add manually. There you have to choose a color for your new account which will a

How to resolve compatibility issues from Avast Antivirus?

The Avast Antivirus 2017 is one of the recent versions of the antivirus. Although the software is compatible with the Windows 8 and 8.1 operating systems, some users do face complications during the installation or setup of the antivirus on the systems having these windows. This article explains the solutions for general issues from the system. The solutions explained here will resolve these problems from your device Pop-ups related to the action center Black or blank screen issues after installing the software You can't uninstall the software  The error codes such as the Process Trust We would suggest you update both, the Avast antivirus and the operating system. You can also connect with us at the Avast Antivirus Support Phone Number to learn the resolution of more issues apart from these. Resolve the problems taking these actions. You will first have to open the Task Manager by pressing CTRL + Shift + Esc keys from your keyboard Click on the More Details an